Strategic Advisor Council

A group of industry leaders who are passionate about the intersection of business communication and technology 

Our Advisors are mentors who are excited to help Prezent create a new presentation success category and give millions of people a chance to bring their ideas to life

Who are our current Strategic Advisors?

Former CEO of Deloitte Consulting
Jim Moffatt
CEO and founder of Fabric
Adam Erlebacher
Deepti Juturu
BioPharma Executive | Investor/LP
Gwendolyn Mitchell (Whitney)
GM/Global VP Mobile & IoT (Business Development, Alliances) at SAP
Akash Agarwal
Investor and Podcaster
Lenny Rachitski
Founder and CEO, RamaOnHealthcare
Rama S Juturu
Strategy Executive and Venture Partner
James Papadopoulos
Former Chief of Staff at Liberty Mutual Group
Gina Whitehead
Technology Investor/Advisor
Avanish Sahai
President, Positive Polar
Jenn Bonilla
Lorem Ipsum
Sameer Padhye
Data Program Manager | Cisco
Jog Mahal
Launchpad Consultants Owner
Maurice Garland
Growth Capital Team CEO
Prem  Talreja
Return on Focus President
Dan Reinhardt
VP Strategic Partnerships
Vikram Venugopal
Head of Marketing | Arcellx
Ben lei
Lorem Ipsum
Barron Lee
Lorem Ipsum
Seby Chacko
Country Leader | Signify 
Raghuraman Chandrash
Lorem Ipsum
Nikhil Bhat
Lorem Ipsum
Bill Clearly
Lorem Ipsum
Coleman Myhre
Clariem Founder
Sunil Sheoran
Lorem Ipsum
Aarti Joshi
Lorem Ipsum
Matt Keane
North America Medical Director
Badri Rengarajan
Director Global Program Management
William Cleary
Associate Director | Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Sonja Fisher
Chief Commercial Officer | Deloitte
John Ciacchella
Director Medical Affairs | Exelixis
Stan Eapen
DirecSenior Director | Cisco
Roy Skillicorn
Catalyst Founder
Rachel Bassignani
Vice President | Aptiv
Manoj Shende
Director - Strategy | Cisco
Seby Chacko

Who are our current Strategic Advisors?

President, Positive Polar
Jenn Bonilla
Launchpad Consultants Owner
Maurice Garland
Lorem Ipsum
Aarti Joshi
North America Medical Director
Badri Rengarajan
Director Global Program Management
William Cleary
Associate Director | Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Sonja Fisher
Director Medical Affairs | Exelixis
Stan Eapen
Catalyst Founder
Rachel Bassignani
Vice President, Marketing at Arcellx
Benjamin Lei
Founder and CEO, RamaOnHealthcare
Rama S Juturu
BioPharma Executive | Investor/LP
Gwendolyn Mitchell (Whitney)
GM/Global VP Mobile & IoT (Business Development, Alliances) at SAP
Akash Agarwal
Strategy Executive and Venture Partner
James Papadopoulos
Technology Investor/Advisor
Avanish Sahai
Data Program Manager | Cisco
Jog Mahal
Growth Capital Team CEO
Prem  Talreja
Return on Focus President
Dan Reinhardt
Country Leader | Signify 
Raghuraman Chandrash
Clariem Founder
Sunil Sheoran
Chief Commercial Officer | Deloitte
John Ciacchella
DirecSenior Director | Cisco
Roy Skillicorn
Vice President | Aptiv
Manoj Shende
Director - Strategy | Cisco
Seby Chacko
Catalyst Founder
Rachel Bassignani
TiE SoCal President
Gaurav Kumar
CEO and founder of Fabric
Adam Erlebacher
Former Chief of Staff at Liberty Mutual Group
Gina Whitehead

Who would be a good fit?

Senior executives and Leaders in F2000 companies

Founders of Successful Startups

Entrepreneurial business leaders in the Pharma Industry

What is the role of an advisory council member?

Amplify Prezent’s social media presence

Provide counsel to CEO about building a hyper growth business

Make introductions to Fortune2000 business leaders

Guide the Prezent Executive Leadership team on Go-to-Market and Product related topics

Why business leaders join the Prezent advisory council

Enhance your network by meeting other advisory council members

Give back by coaching a young, fast-growing business

Receive equity and cash-based compensation for your guidance and time

What is the role of an advisory council member?

Amplify Prezent’s social media presence

Provide counsel to CEO about building a hyper growth business

Make introductions to Fortune2000 business leaders

Guide the Prezent Executive Leadership team on Go-to-Market and Product related topics

What are the benefits?

Meet others in the council (Ex-CEO of Deloitte) (networking events) Maurice Garland

$5-10K token of appreciation if you introduce us to a client who become a customer

Equity in Hypergowth SaaS company backed by Greycroft

Why business leaders join the Prezent advisory council

Enhance your network by meeting other advisory council members

Give back by coaching a young, fast-growing business

Receive equity and cash-based compensation for your guidance and time

Interested in joining the advisory council?

Fill out the form to apply. If you are a potential fit, a representative will reach out to you.

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Interested in joining the advisory council?

Fill out the form to apply. If you are a potential fit, a representative will reach out to you.

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