Prezent Changing the Skepticism Behind Artificial Intelligence

Prezent explores common AI skepticism and sheds light on its potential to positively impact our lives.


Rajat Mishra

Problem solving

Prezent Changing the Skepticism Behind Artificial Intelligence

Table of contents

It’s no secret that Artificial Intelligence has dramatically shifted the way we make decisions today. Whether that’s with deciding what to eat for dinner, or devising the perfect go-to-market strategy,  you no longer have to succumb to natural inertia. Leveraging AI has allowed individuals to become self-starters and have a form of aid in times of uncertainty and reluctance. With this being said, the level of skepticism that still exists in various industries regarding the integration of AI continues to impede growth within these respective organizations. However, the skepticism is warranted for a plethora of different reasons: 

  1. Unfair treatment: Whether we admit it or not, bias does exist within AI. As a system, it evolves off of the data that is provided, and in cases where the data is biased, AI can perpetuate and amplify those biases. Design and optimization processes can also add to fluctuations in the reliability of AI irrespective of if the training protocol is unbiased. 
  1. Privacy concerns: Critics of artificial intelligence often find themselves unable to trust that their data is safe. This is the case in real life when we choose not to divulge personal information to those we do not trust. Similarly, skeptics struggle to adapt to the optimization of AI out of fear that their information may end up in the wrong hands. 
  1. No accountability: It’s certainly tough to hold anyone accountable for computational errors that occur through AI. The lack of accountability and inability for individuals to take responsibility for an error unknown to them exacerbates the skepticism regarding AI’s implementation. 

Given all these concerns exist, it is all the more important to maintain a transparent, accurate, model of AI implementation that qualms the worries of skeptics that question its brilliance. Does such a system exist that combats the dark looming side of AI? The answer is YES, because here at Prezent we showcase AI in all its glory whilst upholding integrity, and consideration for our customers and critics alike. Let’s dive into Prezent’s approach to ethical AI. 

  • Keeping Data Secure: When you use Prezent, you can be sure that your data is being treated with utmost dignity and care. We value privacy to the highest extent, and follow laws such as GDPR and CCPA to protect your information. Unlike other artificial intelligence agencies that may not prioritize security, for us, privacy isn’t a bonus—it’s a baseline that must be addressed with high importance. 
  • Putting Fairness First: At Prezent, we show bias the exit door. From the day we were established till now, the mission has been the same—to relentlessly hunt down and minimize biases in AI algorithms, making fairness, not favoritism, our priority. Since this is the case, you can be sure that with our product you are working with precision 100% of the time. 
  • Being Transparent: The problem with AI today is that companies continue to treat it as a black box, blinding users from how it operates from a technical perspective. Prezent provides an open playing field, clearly outlining how our AI operates, and what factors go into its decision making process. Doing so has allowed us to foster trust among our users and build beneficial relationships. 
  • Frequent Monitoring: The race to building ethical AI is in no way a sprint. It’s an ultramarathon requiring a consistent review and assessment process. We stay vigilant, continuously monitoring any inaccuracies our software presents and rectifying such issues as they arise. This way we are able to mitigate potential mishaps that come about through customer usage. 
  • Engaging All Stakeholders: Nobody is left out of the journey at Prezent. We’re in this together for the long run. We follow a simple equation here, where  More voices + perspectives = Better, fairer AI. Including diverse voices and perspectives helps facilitate a stable, fair AI model that can be confided in to produce the best quality results. 
  • Helping Humans: Our AI is built with the purpose of helping, not harming our users. Embodying human values and priotizing the wellbeing of people stands at the forefront of all of Prezent’s operations. Our actions and discussions are also tailored to preserving sustainability and ethical business practices. 
  • Managing Risks: Risk management is our watchword. From privacy breaches to potential biases, we keep our eyes peeled to ensure Prezent is free from any forthcomings. Keeping everyone safe and informed is a biggest concern, and we are constantly refining risk management processes to avoid potential pitfalls. 
  • Giving People Data Control: It’s not just about building intelligent systems, but also doing so from a human-first approach. Empowering our users is a part of all of Prezent’s initiatives, and in order to do so, we make it a point to emphasize that control over personal data remains in the hands of the individuals themselves. This way, users can make the final determination as to how their data will be used. 
  • Ensuring Data Quality: Great decisions need great data to back them up. While some may overlook the importance of the quality of data, at Prezent, we heavily take it into consideration. To make sure the accuracy and diversity of our AI systems are constantly working at an optimal rate, we have a dedicated Quality Assurance team that works tirelessly to scrutinize every inch of our data. 
  • Keeping Data Clean: Having clean and well-categorized data sets is vital towards ensuring that AI is working efficiently. Well labeled data leads to better generated decisions and stands as the foundation to developing trustworthy, unbiased AI. At Prezent, we’re serious about keeping our data clean and clear for maximum efficiency. 

As AI continues to evolve and develop in this digital age of innovation, it is important to maintain a learning mindset. While innovation will be the heart of our journey, ethics will be the compass that navigates Prezent through continued success. 

Let's work towards always having an open dialogue about the ethical implications of AI. As we continue to devise more advanced AI systems  through time, we will be sure to keep in mind the ethical boundaries that protect the rights, privacy, and interests of all stakeholders, and users of our product. 

Before I wrap this up, I want to make one thing crystal clear: we are not here to move along a pre-distinguished path, but to lead. We are ready to face the uphill battles and unforeseen adversities associated with pioneering the innovation of AI systems that respect human rights and serve the common good of bettering business communication. That is why we aspire to continue pushing the boundaries, embrace the challenges that present themselves, and keep innovating - striving to be the beacon that guides the way to ethical AI.

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