How to counter quiet quitting with effective communication

A new workplace mindset called “quiet quitting” has been making its rounds across social media.


Jessica Cara

Problem solving

counter quiet quitting with effective communication

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Workplace culture has changed significantly since the pandemic. Hybrid or remote work has become the norm and there’s a much larger emphasis on employee well-being and positive work-life balance.

The result of these adjustments? A new workplace mindset called “quiet quitting” that’s been making its rounds across social media.

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What is quiet

Interestingly enough, “quiet quitting” has nothing to do with quitting your job.

The social media trend, which took off after a TikTok video went viral, is a shifting mindset away from the hustle culture that’s been dominating workplaces for centuries. So, no more helping out with additional tasks or taking on duties outside of your job description. No more checking emails after work hours. With quiet quitting, you’re only showing up for what your job demands—nothing more.

As the original TikTok post states, you’re no longer going “above and beyond” because “work is not your life."

Reactions to quiet quitting

While some employees are finding pride and power in their decisions to quit quietly, some senior business leaders and career experts find the trend troubling and have been quick to share their concerns and solutions.

In a viral LinkedIn post, Ariana Huffington—co-founder of The Huffington Post and CEO and founder of Thrive Global—wrote, “Quiet quitting isn’t just about quitting on a job, it’s a step toward quitting on life.”

For Matt Spielman— a career coach in New York City and author of Inflection Points: How to Work and Live with Purpose—quiet quitting seems “passive aggressive” and feels like an ineffective solution to feelings of over-exhaustion or undervalued at work.

Says Spielman, “If somebody is burnt out, there should be a candid conversation about that, and it should be both ways. Just saying, ‘I am going to do the absolute minimum because I am entitled to it or I have issues’—it doesn’t really help anybody.”

Despite the mixed reactions to “quiet quitting” between employees and employers, it’s widely known that good communication is necessary to help resolve conflicts and solve problems. Take action against quiet quitting by bringing these communication practices into your workplace.

Open up channels of communication

The best way to ensure your team feels confident and engaged with their work is to create a multidirectional communication model that includes everyone. This means going beyond sending a company-wide email or annual survey and building multiple channels of communication.

This can be accomplished by creating an open-door policy for employees or investing in digital workspaces to build a workplace powered by collaboration and innovation. Whatever communication methods you bring in, the most important thing to remember is that communication is a two-way street. Break the archaic “top-down” communication model to empower your employees to share their feedback and ideas.

Create a community

The U.S. Prezent team at the Francis Ford Coppola Winery

Instead of creating a workplace culture, opt for a workplace community. Since the pandemic, employee engagement in the workplace has been stagnant. Employees—especially those who work remotely or in hybrid roles—can find it difficult to connect to their work if they don’t find themselves aligned with their team or the mission of the organization.

People want to be a part of something, so building a community is a great way to help your team find meaning in their work. Schedule regular opportunities for your team to connect through virtual activities or in-person events.

Express gratitude

Show your employees that you value them by showing appreciation for a job well done. Of course, this can be done through extra compensation and bonuses—but a little public recognition through simple expressions and statements can go a long way to ensure your team members feel appreciated for their efforts and contributions to the company’s overall goals.

Communication is key when it comes to combating quiet quitting.
Connect with us to learn how Prezent can help you build a collaborative workplace and improve your business communication.

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