Tips and techniques for improving verbal communication skills in the workplace

Discover essential skills, examples, and tips to enhance your spoken and written communication skills effectively.


Maithili Rao


team discussing on verbal communication

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Verbal communication is how we express our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Good verbal communication skills can make a difference in how things turn out, whether just chatting, in a meeting, or giving a presentation. Let's look at verbal communication, why it matters, the different types and styles, and how we can improve these skills, especially at work.

What is verbal and non-verbal communication?

Verbal communication refers to using spoken words to convey messages from one person to another. This includes talking in person, on the phone, or over video. Good verbal communication isn't just about what you say; it is also about how you say it—your tone, speaking style, and the emotions you convey.

Nonverbal communication is silent and includes haptics, silence, paralanguage, physical presentation, and much more. Effective verbal and nonverbal communication in the workplace is key to building strong personal and professional relationships. Verbal communication is about sharing messages through spoken language, whether chatting face-to-face, talking on the phone, or having a video call.

Why are verbal communication skills important?

Verbal communication involves sharing ideas, expressing concerns, solving problems, and other activities. Effective communication with peers, teams, or senior leadership is crucial to an organization's growth.

💡Pro tip: Use different communication styles, such as assertive, empathetic, or persuasive, in the right situations to significantly enhance your teams' interactions and productivity.

Effective verbal communication fosters a collaborative work environment, improving relationships and increasing productivity. Effective verbal communication helps with the following:

1. Sharing information: It's crucial to share updates and transfer knowledge & instructions within the team and the whole organization. Good verbal communication ensures that employees and teams are on the same page and they have all the required resources to do their job.

2. Making things clear: Communications help define goals, roles, and expectations. Clear and direct talk minimizes misunderstandings, ensuring everyone gets what they're supposed to do. Effective executive communication by the leadership team helps build trust and strengthen organizational culture exponentially.

3. Building connections: Positive and respectful verbal communications create trust and a friendly environment where people enjoy working together.

4. Solving problems: Many work challenges need team talks and brainstorming sessions. Verbal communication is crucial for raising concerns, offering solutions, and finding common ground to overcome obstacles and improve processes.

5. Making decisions: Smart decisions often come from open discussions. Voicing different opinions through talking helps teams make informed choices.

6. Boosting morale: Words can be powerful motivators. Leaders and managers communicate verbally to inspire, motivate, and keep teams in good spirits. Recognizing and giving positive feedback can boost motivation and job satisfaction.

7. Handling conflicts: Disagreements are bound to happen. Talking with empathy and assertiveness is crucial in resolving issues effectively and keeping a good working atmosphere.

8. Providing feedback: Giving and getting feedback is critical to growth. Verbal communication can facilitate constructive feedback, helping individuals and teams learn, adapt, and excel in their roles.

Verbal communication is vital for keeping things running smoothly, creating a good work culture, and reaching the organization’s goals through teamwork and collaboration.

Different types of verbal communication

Employees and teams engage in different verbal interactions in the workplace. These interactions have a specific function in promoting teamwork, achieving goals, and fostering a positive work environment. Check out the four main types of verbal communication at the workplace:

1. Interpersonal communication: Involves all the different ways people share information, whether through words, gestures, or expressing their feelings. It's highly personal and can vary from casual chats with friends to more formal talks in a professional setting.

2. Intrapersonal communication: Unlike other forms, intrapersonal communication happens within the individual. It's like self-talk or the inner dialogue we have with ourselves. It's ideal for shaping our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

3. Group communication: This happens when individuals communicate in a group. Group communication can be anything from small team meetings to big group presentations. The dynamics of group communication often involve a mix of interactions within a structured or semi-structured setting.

4. Public communication: This type of communication involves a single speaker addressing a large audience. Some common examples are lectures, event speeches, or any situation where a message is communicated to many people. The critical thing about public verbal communication is that it's one-to-many, where feedback from the audience is more limited compared to smaller settings.

Each type of verbal communication has its unique setting and purpose, adding depth and complexity to human interaction. Communication at work includes one-on-one conversations, team meetings, presentations, training and workshops, negotiations, networking, client and customer interaction, and many other forms. Knowing how to use these different types of communication can make a big difference in a company's performance.

Different styles of verbal communication

Verbal communication is essential for workplace interactions, allowing employees to share ideas, express concerns, and solve problems. There are various communication styles suitable for different contexts and objectives. Understanding and effectively utilizing these styles can help enhance team efficiency and productivity. Here are some common styles of verbal communication found in the workplace:

1. Assertive communication: This style of communication is direct and expressive, allowing individuals to express their thoughts, beliefs, and needs clearly and respectfully. Assertive communicators can maintain their stance while being open to others' views, making it highly effective for resolving conflicts and fostering an environment of mutual respect.

2. Aggressive communication: Characterized by a forceful and dominating approach, aggressive communication often alienates others and escalates conflicts. It involves making demands, not listening to others, and generally prioritizing one's needs over those of the team.

3. Passive communication: Individuals adopting this style refrain from expressing their thoughts and feelings directly, which may lead to misunderstanding and resentment over time. Passive communicators may agree with things they do not endorse, leading to decreased job satisfaction and personal well-being.

4. Passive-aggressive communication: This indirect form of communication combines passive and aggressive communication. The speaker may appear passive on the surface but act out aggressively in a subtle or underlying way. This can create a challenging workplace atmosphere because clarifications are required to understand the individual's intent.

5. Persuasive communication: An essential style in leadership and sales roles, persuasive communication aims to convince others of a particular viewpoint, direction, or product benefit. It requires a good understanding of the audience, strong reasoning, and often an emotional appeal.

6. Empathetic communication: This style emphasizes understanding and compassion, which are crucial for building strong, supportive relationships in the workplace. It involves actively listening, acknowledging others' feelings or perspectives, and responding to demonstrate empathy and understanding.

Each communication style has its benefits and shortcomings, and the effectiveness of a style depends a lot on the context and final objective of the communication. Balancing these styles and knowing when to use each can lead to more effective interactions and a healthier, more productive workplace environment.

Role of presentations in effective verbal communication at work

Presentations at work are significant for improving how we talk to people. Giving presentations often can help people feel more sure of themselves, less nervous, and better at speaking up. Plus, they improve people's communication skills and flexibility—and that's a big deal for doing well at work. Check out the role of presentations in enhancing communication at the workplace:

  1. Enables in-depth understanding of the topic: Preparing and delivering presentations requires an individual to understand the topic thoroughly. This involves researching, organizing thoughts, and structuring the presentation coherently. This preparation helps hone one's ability to convey concepts clearly and effectively.
  2. Aids in persuasion: Presentations help people present structured arguments with supporting evidence, making it easier to sway opinions or encourage action from the audience. A well-delivered presentation has excellent persuasive power to inspire change or gather support for an idea.
  3. Enables training and development: Presentations are vital for training and developing employees. Training and development presentations enable people to confidently pass on knowledge and skills, making learning more interactive and impactful. These sessions are important as they promote professional growth and competence in the workforce.
  4. Helps in team building and collaboration: Presentations provide a platform for sharing ideas, sparking discussions, and fostering mutual understanding, which is necessary for collaboration and team building. They help team members align on goals, strategies, and responsibilities, enhancing teamwork and collaborative efforts.
  5. Encourages feedback and improvement: Presentations often provide opportunities for feedback, whether from peers, supervisors, or through self-reflection. Feedback is extremely important for understanding areas of strength and areas for improvement, such as body language, use of filler words, or effectiveness in engaging the audience.
  6. Enhances interpersonal skills: Effective presentations involve not just talking but also listening and responding to questions or comments from the audience. Regular presentations can help people articulate their thoughts clearly, engage in persuasive speaking, build confidence through impactful message delivery, and more. All this can improve interpersonal skills. As individuals become more adept at delivering presentations, their verbal communication capabilities improve, benefiting personal and organizational growth.
  7. Facilitates decision-making: In decision-making processes, presentations clarify information and provide an overview that assists leaders, teams, or stakeholders make informed choices. They enable a smoother decision-making process and help achieve the best possible outcomes.

Overall, presentations are a multifaceted tool for improving verbal communication and other soft skills crucial for success in the professional world.

Tips to improve your verbal communication skills at work

Being able to communicate well is essential in life, whether it’s at work or with friends and family. Good communication can help us understand each other better and feel more connected. It’s about expressing yourself clearly, listening to others, and conversing better. Check out simple ways to improve your verbal communication skills:

  • Think and then speak: When you talk, be direct and to the point. It is better to avoid using long, complex sentences and try to express yourself clearly. 💡Pro tip: Before talking, ask yourself, "How can I get my point across as clearly as possible?"
  • Be transparent and authentic: Be confident when you speak. It’s important to earn the trust and respect of your audience. Your confidence is influenced by how well you know what you are talking about/subject, your choice of words, how you speak, and nonverbal cues such as your body language and eye contact.

  • Adjust your voice/pitch well: The way we communicate, including things like how we sound, the emotions we show, and the style we use, is significant in how we express ourselves without using words. Our tone of voice and pitch account for 38% of our attitude. 💡Pro tip: Avoid speaking in a flat, bland tone—it can make your audience zone out.

Instead, use different tones and pitches to emphasize your points and show some emotion. This will keep your audience engaged. Check out how your voice can shape your communication image in this talk by Dr. Wendy LeBorgne, CEO of Professional Voice Consultants.

  • Practice active listening: Being a good speaker isn't just about talking; it is equally about being an active listener to improve communication. When you actively listen to other views and ideas, you learn to refine your inputs and contribute more effectively. 💡Pro tip: Remember the five stages of active listening: receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, and responding.
  • Showcase confidence and ensure positive body language: Your body language is important and says a lot about how you feel during a conversation. Watch your gestures, facial expressions, and body language to make sure they match what you're trying to say. It's also important to pay attention to the body language of the people you're talking to. 💡Pro tip: Keep eye contact (and remember to blink) to detect hesitation or lack of interest.
  • Know your audience: Consider who you're talking to and keep things simple, especially if they need to learn more about the topic. Remember to simplify your message and think about how the audience will understand what you're trying to say, even if they know more about the subject than you do.

Investing time and effort in improving verbal communication can lead to a positive career trajectory and growth. Mastering verbal communication is a continuous journey that reaps significant rewards for those willing to embrace the challenge.

Leaders and executive management must invest time to help employees enhance their communication skills. This can lead to overall organizational success.

How can Prezent help enhance your team’s verbal communication skills?

Presentations are essential for verbal communication in the workplace because they facilitate information sharing, enhance engagement, promote persuasion, and more. Prezent can help you improve your verbal or team communication skills by creating clear and engaging presentations.

These features help structure your presentation, offer tips on delivery, and allow you to focus on content. Additionally, it encourages interactive presentations and audience engagement, improving your communication skills over time. Explore some of the features below:

  • Create personalized content: Through the Communication Fingerprint feature, Prezent can help you create tailored content that resonates with your audience, making your presentations more effective.
  • Enhance team communication: Take advantage of Prezent's courses and learning modules to improve the delivery of your presentations. These resources are invaluable for creating a compelling value proposition that communicates benefits and encourages your audience to take action.
  • Improve message clarity and structure: Use tools like the Story Builder and Auto Generator offered to craft well-structured, narrative-driven presentations. Knowing that your presentation follows a logical flow allows you to remain relaxed and connected with your audience, which is crucial for effective verbal communication.
  • Use visual aids to enhance message retention: Use the Slide Library feature to ensure your presentations are brand-aligned and visually appealing. Well-designed visual aids allow you to focus more on engaging with your audience through positive body language, interacting with them through Q&As, well-summarized content/messages, etc. Visual aids help audiences retain the information better and effectively convey your message.

Prezent encourages interactive presentations and the use of different communication techniques. It can help you better handle questions and engage with your audience, enhancing your communication skills. Through its focus on audience engagement, you learn to adapt your communication style based on feedback, making your verbal interactions more effective.‍

Learn how Prezent AI can improve your business communication and presentations. Explore the platform through a free trial or schedule a demo to learn more about its robust features and tools.

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