Effective written communication at work: types, examples & tips to improve writing skills

Explore types, examples, and tips to improve your writing skills for business success.


Maithili Rao


team discussing on written communication

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Do you know which category of communication the words you're reading right now fall under? Besides giving it the name of being an article or blog, it is a form of written communication.

From drafting emails to engaging on social media, conveying thoughts and ideas clearly in writing is part of everyday work life. In any business organization, especially where remote and hybrid work is the norm, mastering written communication is important for enhanced organizational effectiveness. Explore this article about the types of written communication, their importance, and tips to improve your writing skills at work.

What is written communication?

Written communication is about transmitting messages, ideas, or information through written words. Whether it's an email, a report, a social media post, or even a simple memo, written communication helps convey meaning clearly and directly. It offers the benefit of a permanent record of information, allowing messages to be archived for future reference. At the same time, it also requires good detailing to avoid any misinterpretations.

Importance of written communication

Written communication is essential in the workplace. Here are some of the points highlighting the importance of written communication:

  • Provides clarity: Writing allows you to organize and refine your ideas before communicating. This ensures your message is clear, concise, and easily understood.
  • Helps with record-keeping: Written communication creates a reliable record, which is essential for businesses—especially in contracts, agreements, policy documents, etc.
  • Can reach a broad audience: Written communication can be easily shared with a global audience. For example, emails can reach employees across different time zones, enhancing collaboration.
  • Ensures professionalism: A well-written email or report showcases professionalism, attention to detail, and respect for the recipient. On the other hand, poorly written communication can damage your reputation and raise eyebrows about your communication skills.

The two main types of written communication in a workplace

In the workplace, written communication can be divided into two main types: formal and informal. Understanding the distinction between the two can help you navigate professional interactions more effectively.

Formal written communication

Formal written communication is a structured and professional way of writing used in work or business. It follows specific rules, like using a professional tone, organizing information clearly, and using correct grammar. Examples of written communication are business emails, reports, memos, contracts, et al., where it's important to be accurate, clear, and professional. Its key attributes include:

Attributes of formal written communication

1. Structure and format: Formal communication follows a clear structure with defined sections.

  • For example,
  • An email to a client might have a formal greeting, an organized body, and a professional closing.
  • A business report may be divided into sections such as the executive summary, introduction, findings, and conclusion. This allows for easy navigation and understanding.

2. Professional tone: In a workplace, it is important to use respectful and professional language. Avoid slang or casual language, especially when addressing a team or leaders.

For example,

Instead of saying: "Hey, just wanted to let you know that we're having a meeting tomorrow."

✅Use: "Dear team, please be informed that we have a meeting tomorrow."

3. Purpose and clarity: Whether it’s a policy document, a report, or a proposal, formal communication should be focused and to the point. Vague language can lead to confusion, especially in legal or policy documents. For instance, a policy document will be detailed and precise without confusion, whereas a team-building intimation email will be a little less detailed and could use a fun tone of writing.

4. Record-keeping: Formal communication, such as emails or reports, often serves as a record for business decisions or legal agreements. For instance, emails summarizing meetings or business proposals provide a paper trail/e-trail for future reference.

Examples of formal written communication are business reports (detailed documents such as annual reports, financial statements, or research findings), official emails, proposals, and contracts (which require higher precision and clarity), instructional content (manuals, guides, or how-to articles, etc.), presentations, etc.

Informal written communication

Informal written communication is relaxed and conversational. Compared to formal writing, there aren’t any specific rules or regulations to follow. This type of communication can vary in tone or format and is often used to facilitate a quick exchange of information.

Characteristics of informal written communication

  • Casual tone: Informal communication often uses a conversational tone, including colloquialisms, abbreviations, and casual language.
    • Example: An informal email could begin with "Hi team" and use a friendly, conversational style throughout.
  • Flexible structure: There are no strict formatting or structuring rules. The format can vary depending on the context and relationship between the sender and the recipient.
    • Example: A quick note or message on a team chat might be a simple line with no formal greeting or closing.
  • Purpose and context: Informal communication is typically used for quick updates, casual exchanges, or personal interactions. It is more about facilitating immediate interaction and less about documenting messages.
    • Example: An internal chat message asking a colleague if they want to grab lunch is informal and doesn't require a structured format.
  • Less emphasis on record-keeping: Informal communication is only documented or archived if there are any specific business decisions or sensitive information.

Examples of informal written communication include internal chat messages, social media posts, personal notes (quick updates or reminders), etc.

Balancing formal and informal communication

The key to successful professional communication is knowing when to switch between formal and informal tones.  

Each type of communication has its place, and finding the right balance ensures you remain professional while fostering team collaboration. The key is to balance them effectively by keeping the following in mind:

  • Know when to use each type: Formal communication for important, official matters and informal communication for day-to-day work interactions or casual updates.
  • Maintain professionalism: Even in informal settings, ensure that communication remains respectful and practical.
  • Adapt to your audience: Adjust your tone and style based on who you’re communicating with and the context of your message.

💡Pro tip: Maintain professionalism even in informal exchanges. You never know when a casual email might get forwarded to a larger audience!

Advantages and disadvantages of written communication

Written communication provides a clear, permanent record of information that can be easily shared and referenced. It is essential for daily interactions at work and in our personal lives.

While written communication offers many advantages, like precision and the ability to explain complex ideas in detail, it also comes with challenges. The lack of immediate feedback and the risk of misinterpretation can lead to inefficiency. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of written communication:


  • Precision: A written message allows for precision, leading to fewer misunderstandings. It can reduce misunderstandings compared to verbal communication.
  • Detailed explanations: Writing enables thorough and clear explanations of complex information.
  • Permanent record: Written communication creates a lasting physical or digital paper trail that can be referenced later.


  • Time-consuming: Writing, revising, and proofreading can take time, particularly for intricate or complex messages.
  • Misinterpretation: The written word can sometimes be misinterpreted since there is no clear tone of voice or body language.
  • Lack of immediate feedback: Since there is a delay in receiving an immediate response in written communication (unlike verbal communication), it may take time to clarify misunderstandings.

10 Tips to improve your written communication skills at work

Clear and effective communication skills in the workplace can make things run smoother and save time. Strong written communication skills enhance the organizational processes of a company and help with smooth functioning. Here are some tips to help you get better at business writing:

1. Be clear and plan before writing

Your message must be easy to understand. Avoid fancy words or complicated sentences that may confuse your reader. Organize your thoughts before you start writing. This ensures that your message is structured and logical.

💡Pro tip: Re-read any written communication as if you were the recipient before sending it. Would it make sense at first glance?

2. Be clear and concise

Time is precious, especially in professional environments. Get to the point without unnecessary jargon or overly long sentences. Use active voice and use a formal tone.

For example:

❌Instead of saying: “Please complete this soon, as we would need to send it to the leadership team by the end of this week.”

✅Use: “Please complete this by Friday, 5 p.m.”

3. Grammar and punctuation

Accuracy in spelling, grammar, and facts is non-negotiable. A small error can change the entire meaning of your message, potentially leading to misunderstandings or even damaging your credibility. Use tools like Grammarly or online spell checkers to catch any mistakes.

For instance, a misplaced comma or incorrect figure in a report could alter the entire context, leading to confusion or misinterpretation.


❌Incorrect: "Let's discuss the project, stakeholders, and timelines during the meeting."

This could imply that there will be stakeholders in the meeting.

✅Correct: "Let's discuss the project stakeholders and timelines during the meeting."

This clarifies that you're discussing the project stakeholders and timelines, not suggesting that stakeholders will attend the meeting.

4. Set the tone

Tone sets the mood for your communication. Depending on your audience, consider how formal or informal you can be with your words.

💡Pro tip: Maintain a professional tone when communicating with clients. When messaging a colleague, you may opt for a more casual tone.

5. Keep it simple and engaging

Make your message engaging by considering your audience’s interests. Use language that resonates with your readers to keep their attention. Clear, straightforward language is always more effective. If you’re unsure about a word, consider if there’s a simpler synonym that everyone will understand.

For example:

❌Instead of writing: "Since our sales have increased by a significant margin over the past few months."

✅Use: "Our sales have increased significantly in recent months."

6. Have a solid structure

Good structure makes written content easier to follow. Use headings, crisp bullet points, and short paragraphs to guide the reader through the text.

💡Pro tip: Start with a strong opening that addresses the reader’s pain points, benefits, and clear call to action.

7. Edit and proofread

Shorter paragraphs and sentences are easier to read. If your message is lengthy, use bullet points or headings to organize the information, and always revise your drafts for clarity. Simple errors can undermine your message and your image in a professional setup.

8. Understand your audience

Consider your audience’s perspective. Will they find your message valuable? Will it address their concerns?

For instance, if you send an email to recruits about the details of a new project, break it down into a simple format with an explanation of the new terms. This would be easy for the new employees to understand. On the other hand, a team lead can receive an update on the project's progress via short-crip email.

9. Research your topic

Strong research skills are essential to support your claims with facts when writing formal reports or proposals.

10. Learn persuasive speaking

Especially in business contexts, knowing how to craft compelling arguments through writing can influence decisions. Good writing skills can translate to good persuasive speeches.

For example:

❌Instead of saying: “Hybrid meeting schedule will improve team productivity by cutting down unnecessary meetings."

✅Use: “Shifting to a hybrid meeting schedule will increase team productivity by reducing unnecessary meetings, thereby freeing up 4 hours per week for project work.”

💡Pro tip: Use clear, measurable benefits like percentages or time savings to make your argument more compelling. Back it up with data or a case study for added impact.

Different platforms require different writing styles. Adapt your tone and structure to suit the medium, whether it's a formal email, a social media post, or a report.


1. How can you ensure effective written communication in remote work?

Focus on clarity and conciseness to ensure effective written communication in an organization. Use clear subject lines, break long texts into bullet points, and always proofread before sending any message in writing. Regularly communicate with your team to confirm understanding and keep communication flowing.

2. How do you deal with the lack of non-verbal cues in written communication?

To deal with missing non-verbal cues, it is important to be explicit with your tone. You could convey your tone using positive language, emojis (when and if appropriate), and clear punctuation. If the message is sensitive, it is better to clarify intentions beforehand to avoid misunderstandings.

3. What affordable tools can enhance written communication for employees?

Affordable tools such as Grammarly, Google Docs, and Slack are ideal for improving written communication. These tools provide real-time editing and collaboration features and enable clear, structured communication at little to no cost.

4. How can you prevent misinterpretation in written business communication?

Avoid jargon or fancy words to prevent misinterpretation. Keep your message simple and break down complex information. To avoid any other miscommunication, always seek feedback to ensure clarity and summarize key points at the end of your meetings or presentations to the team.

5. What are the common obstacles to written communication at work?

Long-complicated messaging, lack of structure, overuse of jargon, and needing to know your audience or context are common barriers to effective written communication at work. Misuse of tone and ambiguity can also lead to confusion in written communication.

6. How important is the tone in written communication?

A well-chosen writing tone can engage your reader, while a mismatched tone can create misunderstandings. The tone of your written message can affect how it is perceived by the intended recipients.

How can presentations and Prezent help your teams with effective written communication?

Presentations are valuable tools and one of the most used formats of written communication in the workplace. They provide structure, clarity, and visual appeal to convey ideas effectively. They simplify complex information and bridge communication gaps for remote or hybrid teams. They help people share ideas, plans, news, and project updates clearly and professionally, especially when team members are not in the same place.

With Prezent, you and your team can ensure everyone understands the message, even in a remote or hybrid work setting.  Find out how presentations are important for written communication and how Prezent can help you improve your business communication:

  • Brand-aligned templates: Prezent ensures that all presentations are 100% brand-aligned, maintaining consistency in branding across all internal and external communications. The Template Converter feature helps companies maintain a professional image and eliminates the manual effort required to match company branding guidelines.
  • Time-saving automation: Prezent uses intelligent automation tools to reduce the time it takes to create a presentation, allowing employees to focus on content rather than layout and design. You can use the Auto Generator feature to create visually appealing slides in a few minutes.
  • Collaborative features: Prezent supports team collaboration, allowing multiple users to collaborate on a real-time presentation. This is crucial for remote or hybrid teams to easily integrate feedback, streamline communication, and ensure everyone is aligned about the tasks. Teams can use the Prezentation Library feature to collaborate in one centralized space.
  • Professional slide-creation tips: With Prezent, you can easily access best practice examples for communicating key business concepts in slides and decks. Use the Best Practice Library, with 10,000+ curated slides, to articulate your message more impactfully!

Communication in the workplace encompasses the ability to convey your message effectively. With time and the proper guidance, you can learn to communicate effectively in formal and informal settings. Prezent assists you in refining your communication skills by providing multiple online learning options, like Zenith Learning Workshops and Courses.

Written communication contributes to better organizational efficiency and reduces the time spent on clarifications. At Prezent, we aim to help businesses enhance their communication standards and efficiency by streamlining the presentation creation process. We also provide guidance and train professionals to help them refine their communication skills in the modern workplace.

To learn more about the capabilities and tools of Prezent, you can schedule a demo at your convenience. You can also explore the platform yourself by opting for a free trial.

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